One last Thing

I just wanted to say that I am so happy that I came across this class. It was such a reassuring feeling discovering something that I am actually interested in. I have gained a new found love for history and learning about what happened before my time. That all came from the question that was presented at the beginning of the semester, what is history and how do we do it? With that being said I am going to share my last reading log here. It answers this question about history.

History is a series of past events that took place in the past. History usually refers to significant events that make a mark in time. History is also something that we study and learn about to know what really happened before our time. It lets us get a good understanding on important events and why things are they way they are today. Without history we wouldn’t be able to live the way we do. How we do history is we read about it, talk about it, and even listen about it. History is an important topic that people will always talk about in their everyday lives.